XOXO Fest 2015

Over the weekend I traveled to Portland and attended the XOXO conference. I first heard about this converence years ago and was finally able to attend this year. I almost didn’t go. I’m still digging out from getting behind over the last couple months and as I was packing, I was thinking how much work I could get done if I stayed home over the weekend and pretended I was out of town. I sure am glad that I went.

The conference is fantastic. The speakers are inspirational and all of the attendees are interesting with fun stories to tell about their own goals, desires, and careers. It was a great weekend where I heard some outstanding speakers, connecting with lots of old friends, and made several new ones. Coming back it reminded me of that warm fuzzy feeling used to to get returning from Macworld.

I will definitely be going back next year if I can get in.