TextExpander touch Snippet Winners

Last week Smile released version 2.0 of TextExpander touch, which I really dig. Yesterday Smile gave me five free download codes to give away for the new app. I put the word out on Twitter to send in favorite snippets for codes and got some really great ones. In fact, I got too many and feel bad about leaving some people out but here comes the winners. Thanks everyone for playing along.

1. MultiMarkdown? Yes thank you.

Sayz Lim submitted a MultiMarkdown snippet to maintain a figure tag in MultiMarkdown. One of the things I like about this snippet is the way he uses the same fill-in snippet twice. I do this often too and I’m not sure everyone knows you can do that.

![ [%filltext:name=Figure Caption%][] ](%clipboard)

[%filltext:name=Figure Caption%]: %clipboard

2. Let Me Know

Trent sent in this simple yet useful script.

ppp = Please let me know if you have any questions.

3. The Breakfast Club Special

Reader Oscar is an educator and needs to send out notices for students that get Saturday detention. He uses this in conjection with an AppleScript that pulls a list of names from a Dropbox text file and works its magic.

The following students have zeros in %fillpopup:name=Classname:Physics:Aquatic Science:default=Forensics% for the week of: %@-9D%m/%d/%y:

%fillarea:name=Student Names%

They need to be assigned to Saturday D-hall on %@+3D%m/%d/%y.

4. Testing, Testing

Michael has a snippet that looks very useful for testing stroke victims. It uses pop ups and several other features. This may not be useful to you but I’m betting there is something in your life that would get easier if you made your own snippet like this one.

NIH Stroke Scale %snippet:.date% %snippet:.time%

1a. Level of Consciousness:%fillpopup:name=1a.:default=0 (Keenly responsive.):1 (Arousable with minor stimulation):2 (Requires strong stimulation):3 (Comatose)%

1b. LOC Questions:%fillpopup:name=1b:default=0  (Answers both questions correctly):1  (Answers one question correctly):2  (Answers neither question correctly)%

1c. LOC Commands:%fillpopup:name=1c:default=0  (Performs both tasks correctly):1  (Performs one task correctly):2  (Performs neither task correctly)%

2.   Best Gaze:%fillpopup:name=2:default=0  (Normal):1  (Partial gaze palsy):2  (Forced deviation)%

3.   Visual:%fillpopup:name=3:default=0  (No visual loss.):1  (Partial hemianopia):2  (Complete hemianopia):3  (Bilateral hemianopia)%

4.   Facial Palsy:%fillpopup:name=4:default=0 (Normal):1 (Minor paralysis):2 (Partial/Central paralysis):3 (Complete paralysis)%

5a. Motor Left Arm:%fillpopup:name=5a:default=0 (No drift for 10 seconds):1 (Drift without touching):2 (Some effort against gravity):3 (No effort against gravity):4 (No movement):0 (Amputation or fusion)%

5b. Motor Right Arm:%fillpopup:name=5b:default=0 (No drift for 10 seconds):1 (Drift without touching):2 (Some effort against gravity):3 (No effort against gravity):4 (No movement):0 (Amputation or fusion)%

6a. Motor Left Leg:%fillpopup:name=6a:default=0 (No drift for 10 seconds):1 (Drift without touching):2 (Some effort against gravity):3 (No effort against gravity):4 (No movement):0 (Amputation or fusion)%

6b. Motor Right Leg:%fillpopup:name=6b:default=0 (No drift for 10 seconds):1 (Drift without touching):2 (Some effort against gravity):3 (No effort against gravity):4 (No movement):0 (Amputation or fusion)%

7.   Limb Ataxia:%fillpopup:name=7:default=0 (Absent):1 (Present in one limb):2 (Present in two limbs):0 (Amputation or fusion)%

8.   Sensory:%fillpopup:name=8:default=0 (Normal):1 (Mild to moderate loss):2 (Severe loss)%

9.   Best Language:%fillpopup:name=9:default=0 (No Aphasia):1 (Mild to moderate):2 (Severe aphasia):3 (Mute or global aphasia)%

10. Dysarthria:%fillpopup:name=10:default=0 (Normal):1 (Mild to moderate):2 (Severe dysarthria):0 (Intubated or other)%

11. Extinction and Inattention:%fillpopup:name=11:default=0 (Normal):1 (To one modality):2 (Profound loss)%

5. The Moxy Award…

… goes to Barry for this.

NTET = Need TextExpander Touch

Are you still waiting to check out TextExpander touch 2.0? Shame on you. You should be watching this clever video.

TextExpander touch 2.0 from David Sparks on Vimeo.