Introductory Pricing Ending on OmniFocus and Siri Shortcuts Field Guides

When I announced the Siri Shortcuts and OmniFocus Field  Guides, I explained the introductory price of $24 would eventually go up to $29. That’s going to happen on January 27 so it is the last call if you want to get in on the entry price. 

The Siri Shortcuts Field Guide is getting a nice 1.1 update pretty soon. I’ve got hours of video shot that needs editing down and there is some more to follow. There is going to be both entry level and high-end content with the update. It’s nice to see how much Apple has improved Siri Shortcuts since it launched. 

The OmniFocus Field Guide is also getting an update to include, among other things, OmniFocus for the web. That is still several months off though.