One of the benefits of having plenty of server space is I no longer have to rubber band and scotch tape together ways of getting large fils to readers. I’ve been doing lots of back-end work on the site the last few days rebuilding links and restructuring pages. It is not completely done but getting closer. The good news is several items are much easier to access now.
Screencasts – All Resolutions, All Day
I now have the screencasts formatted for HD, AppleTV, and iPod and all conveniently available on the screencast page
Humpty Dumpty Revisited
I’ve edited the Humpty Dumpty entry. That was where I gave the law talk and Keynote to my fifth grader’s class. For all those teachers and parents interested in using this, I now have the PDF file, the Keynote and (for those OS X challenged) a clickable quicktime file for the Dell boxes. Who knows, when they see the fantastic Keynote transitions, maybe a few of them will come to the light side. Gone are the days of me sending these files to people via Pando. Now you can find them right here.
Technorati Tags:
MacSparky, screencast, humpty dumpty, law, education