Home Screens – Tim Verpoorten

I am starting a new series at MacSparky where, once a week, I will feature the iPhone/iPod touch home screen of some notable Mac podcaster, developer, or other interesting person. For the inaugural posting, I will be featuring Tim Verpoorten.


Tim is the producer and host of the Surfbits MacReviewCast Podcast where he, and his merry gang, regularly review Mac software and hardware. Tim has tirelessly put our 232 episodes and is still going strong. This podcast is special to me because it was the first one I ever submitted content on and I continue to contribute regularly. So here is the iPod Touch home screen of my friend, Tim.


David: What do you like best on your home screen?

Tim: I think that it’s important that the major utilities you use everyday on your home or office Mac are ported over to the iPhone/iPod touch platform. DropBox, 1Password, iDisk, Textexpander and Evernote are all apps I use everyday on both platforms. They make using a Mac a full time experience. Until recently, I had to use a Windows machine all day at the office and my Mac was only available to me at home, but with the iPhone platform, I was able to bring my Mac and my favorite apps, the ones that help me complete my everyday online activities, along with me wherever I went. 


 What is your favorite app?

Each app fits a purpose or solves a problem. But I think my favorite iPhone app is also my favorite Mac app, and that’s Evernote. It brings my whole world along with me wherever I am and whatever I’m doing. It’s a great app and a great app is great on any platform.


Which app is your guilty pleasure?

WordNerd is the game I open the most when I have a few moments to kill. I love all the graphic shooters, and RPG games such as Underground, but WordNerd gets played the most I think.


How many times a day do you use your iPhone/iPod touch? 

Between 4-8 times. I use it when commuting to the office and I use it during the day at the office, more when I did not have my new MacBook Pro at the work, and I use at home in the living room when I want to check email and browse from my recliner rather then getting up and going to my home office. It saves me a lot of grief when my wife wants me to share a movie or TV show with her before bed. šŸ™‚


What is your favorite feature of the iPhone/iPod touch? 

Instant on and off and the ability grab Wi-Fi connections easily. It makes connecting to the Internet a real no-brainer. 


If you were Steve Jobs, what would you add to the iPhone?

A SD card slot, and a USB port for plug-in accessories. (Maybe a printer)

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