I found this great service at Jott.com. The way it works is you set up an account with them and tie it to your phone number. When you then call Jott’s toll free 866 number, it recognizes you. You can tell it who you are sending a message too (including yourself) and then dictate your message and hang up. The software converts your message to text and sends it off via email to your recipient.
This is a great task list capture tool. I can add tasks from anywhere and they show up in my inbox for processing into OmniFocus. The service is in beta and free. Check it out and let me know how you are using it.
Technorati Tags:
MacSparky, productivity, jott
thanks for the tip on this today, its awesome!
thanks for the tip on this today, its awesome!
thanks for the tip on this today, its awesome!
thanks for the tip on this today, its awesome!
thanks for the tip on this today, its awesome!