Some of you may know my friend Victor Cajiao over at the Typical Mac User website and podcast does an excellent Sunday afternoon podcast over at TalkShoe.com where the listeners and hosts talk about all things Apple. Victor usually has outstanding guests. This week, however, he had to scrape the bottom of the barrel and I’ll be co-hosting with him at 5:00 p.m. pacific time. We’ll be talking about the new iPhone SDK, how I exist in a windows office with my Mac, my shiny new MacBook Air and anything else that comes to mind. I’d love to hear from the MacSparky readers so if you find yourself looking for amusement tomorrow afternoon, head on over to TalkShoe and join the fun.
Bottom of the barrel? Dude you da man. I look forward to it David
Bottom of the barrel? Dude you da man. I look forward to it David
Bottom of the barrel? Dude you da man. I look forward to it David
Bottom of the barrel? Dude you da man. I look forward to it David
Bottom of the barrel? Dude you da man. I look forward to it David