Apple Software Beta Day

Today Apple released the second developer beta builds. This second beta usually deals with any obvious problems from beta 1 plus starts to show the areas where they are willing to reconsider decisions. As users, these early betas are the best time to weigh in on bits we’d like to see changed. The further the train gets down the track, the harder it is to back it up. I’d guess we’ll get beta 3 in another few weeks and, hopefully, before that, a public beta. My fingers are crossed.

Perhaps even more noteworthy, Apple also released the Vision Pro Software Development Kit (SDK). This is the first release of this SDK for the new platform. One of the nice bits about being in Cupertino during WWDC week was observing my indie developer friends’ eyes as they discussed developing for the new platform. To date, there has been no “killer” augmented reality apps. Indie developers plan on changing that.