MacBreak Tech Podcast … UberGeeky, UberFun


This past weekend I built a new shed in my backyard. Now this wasn’t exactly the smartest thing to do on one of the hottest weekends this year in Orange County but nonetheless there I was handling sheets of hot steel, balancing the drill, and generally doing a series of unsafe acts at the top of my ladder. There was a ray of sunshine though. I downloaded the latest MacBreak Tech podcast where John and the gang talked about maximizing the use of the Finder. This podcast is excellent for the geeks among us. There was so much good information I actually listened to it twice. The common sense advice included a discussion of using the bar on the side instead of the bottom to save valuable laptop pixels, the different paradigms for file organization and other techy topics that kept my mind off the heat. If you haven’t already, you should add MacBreak Tech to your iPod.

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The New Logo

macSparky SC

banner logo


My good friend, Darren Rolfe, did a brilliant job of making a logo for the MacSparky web site and podcast feed. In addition to being an excellent graphic artist, Darren is also a fellow Mac geek and runs a great website at I really like his site. It is an eclectic mix of Mac news and first hand reports of how he uses his MacBook for fun and profit. If you haven’t already, check it out.


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MS Office 2008 Delay

Office 2004

Today Microsoft announced Mac Office 2008 will not release until … well .. umm .. 2008. I know a lot of Mac users are on a Jihad against Microsoft. I’m not their biggest fan myself but I use Word. I have to. My entire industry works on it. I’ve played with NeoOffice a bit but seem to run into problems when working in the “track changes” which I frequently do. All this being said the delay doesn’t bother me so much. I’m not even sure if I’ll upgrade. The whole new file system seems to me like more trouble than it is worth.
The one thought I’m left with is if MICROSOFT thinks it is not ready for release … it must be really ugly.

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Coming Up for Air


My geekiness doesn’t end at the Apple Store.
A few years ago I picked up the first Harry Potter book to just see what all the fuss was about and perfectly ready to dismiss the children’s books as so much pulp fiction. Well I got hooked in the first chapter and a few weeks later I had read all of the published books at that time (which was the first four). So I found myself in the local supermarket friday night at midnight with a few other of the Potter faithful lining up to buy my copy of book 7 Friday night. I planned on taking my time reading it but there are so many Potter fans in my life along with that thing they call the internet and I was afraid it would get spoiled. This fear combined with my inability to put the damn thing down led to me finishing it today. I am very pleased that several of my guesses about what would happen came true but I can’t say any more. I don’t want to spoil it for anyone. If you finished it and want to geek out on HP, send me a note.

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Save Fake Steve Jobs!


I’m sure many of you have read The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs where fake Steve rambles on about a litany of subjects, a few of which relate to Apple. In addition to being very humorous, the writing is very smart. I discovered it awhile back and now it is on my very short RSS list. I like fake Steve because he pokes fun at all things holy for just about everyone including Apple fans such as myself. I like it the same way I like the Mac/PC commercials and life is just too darn short not to have a few giggles every day.
Well, recently some scoundrels have been trying to unearth the true identity of fake Steve and I must say I am very much against this. I don’t want to know who fake Steve is because in so many ways he is the real Steve in my life. He shares his thoughts, entertains, and occasionally disturbs me which is all good. Besides, the true identity doesn’t nearly matter as much as the value of the myth. Doesn’t anyone read Joseph Campbell anymore?

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MacSparky Podcast

macSparky SC

I’ve been having fun making the screencasts and decided to give them a podcast feed. Granted it is nothing near the quality of Don McAllister’s excellent “ScreencastsOnline”, but I’m having fun making them. I’m really figuring this out as I go along so I’m sure there will be changes. Moreover, it will not be a weekly podcast but as more along the lines of a few a month.
I have an email from Apple saying “MacSparky Screencasts” has been approved and is on iTunes but I sure can’t seem to find it except for using Apple’s link right here. I’m using a PodBean account, at least temporarily, to host it which can be found here. I’ll keep you posted.

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My Treo iPhone

Treo iPHone

Well as the cool-aid logo implies, I do like my Apple gadgets. Unfortunately, the iPhone is not one of the gadgets I’ll be able to use. My office is on Verizon and my office calendar system will only sync with Pocket PC or the Palm OS (for now at least). So it appears I am out of the running for that tempting iPhone.
But of course technolust can breed a bit of creativity. I did a search at PalmGear for OS X and found a few apps that make my Treo “almost” feel like an iPhone. There are a variety of launchers and other fancy pants add ons but the two that I ended up using are Font Smoother and Icons Plus. Using these two apps I have been able to set my Palm system font to the Mac Lucida Font (or something Very close) and I’ve replaced the blocky Palm icons with the OS X set. For instance, Snapper mail now has an Apple Mail icon.
Now granted these cheap parlor tricks don’t give me the functionality or user experience of an iPhone, (Don’t EVER try to surf the web on a Treo BTW) but still it makes me smile and when I show it to other geeks they freak out a bit which is entertainment in its own right.
By the way, does anyone else wish Apple will make an iPhone without the phone? Kind of a souped up iPod with all those nice tricks and perhaps a WiFi receiver to surf the web when in range? If they do, sign me up!

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What the heck is ZFS !?…


The internet is hot with rumors about Leopard and ZFS. Apparently some mucky-muck at Sun Microsystems disclosed that the ZFS file system will be the primary file system in Leopard. I guess it is not as big of a secret as everyone was initially saying however since I’m hearing the alpha/beta testers of Leopard have been saying for some time its already in the build. Regardless, all this speculation led me to the question of what, exactly, is ZFS? I read the Wiki article here and it helped a little bit for my non-tech brain but then I really got a handle on it when listening (as a complete coincidence) to the Macbreak Tech podcast where it was explained along with a few chuckles. I’d give you a link but Macbreak Tech is very new and I can’t seem to find one. Just do a podcast search in the iTunes store and you are set. Now if you want me to explain what I understand of ZFS, that just isn’t going to happen. Monkeys shouldn’t do brain surgery and I shouldn’t attempt to explain ZFS.

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