The Focus Mode Webinar

We’re getting down to the wire with the Focus Mode Webinar. I’ll be giving it at 9:00 A.M. Pacific on November 10, less than 12 hours after this post goes up. You can still sign up with the above link. If you sign up but don’t make it, I will be sending a replay link to those folks signed up.

I’ve spent a lot of time with Focus Mode in the last week as I’ve been preparing for this, and I like it better now than ever. There is a lot you can pull off with Focus Mode and a little creativity. Hopefully I’ll see you tomorrow.

My Free Apple Mail Seminar

I’m going to start doing free monthly webinars here at MacSparky and the next one is all about how I’m using Apple mail with a combination of AppleScript and other automation tools to make the application dance. I’ve got a lot of good ideas to help you make Apple Mail dance, so why don’t you join me?

Make Mail Dance, September 2, 2021, 9:00 AM

If the date/time are inconvenient to you, go ahead and sign up anyway. Afterward, I’ll be sending out time-limited access to a recording.

Sign Up for My Free Keyboard Maestro Webinar

For some time now I’ve been trying to increasingly work with my technology in terms of contexts, not apps. I don’t want to open the Mail App to check email. Instead, I want to open the mail app to look at my legal inbox and nothing else. I don’t want to open Safari to a home page. Instead, I want to open Safari to the specific page on my learn.macsparky platform that lets me manage customer support issues. Staying in context means avoiding getting sidetracked. It means checking the email in one account and not crashing into my email from every account. It means fixing a customer support problem without getting trapped by surfing dogs. (Yes. There are surfing dogs, and I love them.)

This idea started for me on the iPhone and quickly found its way to the iPad, using Shortcuts. Over the last few months, I’ve implemented this context-based computing on my Mac and it’s glorious. I’m pulling it all off with Keyboard Maestro. There are three areas in my life: Personal, MacSparky, and the legal practice. With just a few keyboard shortcuts I can perform all of my most common tasks in each area of my life in context using Keyboard Maestro.

Best of all, I’m going to share how I’m pulling this off in a free webinar on August 27You can sign up now. It will be a fun event full of Keyboard Maestro scripts and tips. It will be the first Field Guide webinar and I’m putting a lot of effort into it. I hope to see you on August 27. 

If you’d like to see the webinar but can’t make it on August 27, go ahead and sign up. I’ll be sending out a link to watch a recording of the webinar afterward.