Record any audio on your Mac in seconds, with Audio Hijack (Sponsor)

For over 20 years, Audio Hijack has enabled you to record any audio on your Mac. Capture audio from individual applications like Safari or Zoom, hardware audio devices like microphones and mixers, or even the audio output of the entire system. If you can hear it, you can record it. Whatever you need to do with audio on your Mac, Audio Hijack can help.

  • Record conversations from Zoom, FaceTime, and other VoIP apps
  • Save streaming audio from the web
  • Create podcasts, both remote and in-studio
  • Digitize vinyl
  • And so much more

When on macOS 14.4 and newer, Audio Hijack is now easier to use than ever before. The new installer-free setup makes getting started a snap, so why not give it a try? Visit the Audio Hijack site to download the free trial.

audio hijack new installer graphic showing a floppy disk with a label at the top showing Audio Hijack logo and text

Best of all, through the end of June, MacSparky readers can save 24% by purchasing with coupon code SPARKY24. Act fast!

Audio Hijack Is the Mac’s Best Audio Recorder, and So Much More (Sponsor)

Audio Hijack lets you record any audio on your Mac, from individual applications like Safari or Zoom, hardware audio devices like microphones and mixers, or even the audio output of the entire system. If you can hear it, you can record it. Whatever you need to do with audio on your Mac, Audio Hijack can help.

  • Record conversations from Zoom, FaceTime, and other VoIP apps
  • Save streaming audio from the web
  • Create podcasts, both remote and in-studio
  • Digitize vinyl
  • And so much more

To say Audio Hijack is essential to me for my work is an understatement. But my family and I find uses for Audio Hijack all the time. For example, my wife is now in the Disneyland Candlelight Christmas Choir. She wanted to practice but didn’t have any recordings. So we got last year’s concert on YouTube and downloaded the audio with Audio Hijack so now she can practice in the car.

Last week, Rogue Amoeba shipped Audio Hijack 4.3 with a brand-new Transcribe block to turn any spoken audio into text. The Mac’s best audio recording tool now also gives you unlimited transcription, without ongoing charges. Transcribe audio from a mic, an app, or a file. It’s great for video meetings, podcasts, and so much more. Read all about it in the Audio Hijack 4.3 blog post.

Through the end of November, MacSparky readers can save 20% by purchasing with coupon code SPARKS20. Visit the Audio Hijack site to download the free trial.

Record Anything with Audio Hijack

With Audio Hijack, you can record any audio on your Mac. Save audio from individual applications such as Safari or Zoom, record from hardware audio devices like microphones and mixers, or even capture the audio output of the entire system. Whatever you need to do with audio on your Mac, Audio Hijack can help.

– Record conversations from Zoom, FaceTime, and other VoIP apps

– Create podcasts, both remote and in-studio

– Save streaming audio from the web

– Digitize vinyl

– And so much more

I use Audio Hijack daily. I don’t know how I’d be able to do my work without it. It’s powerful, stable, and constantly improving. If you want to do just about anything with audio on your Mac, this is the app you’ll need.

Check out the latest version of the award-winning Audio Hijack today. Through the end of September, MacSparky readers can save 20% when purchasing using coupon code MACSPARKY20. Learn more and download a free trial on the Audio Hijack site.

Audio Hijack 4

My congratulations to the gang at Rogue Amoeba on the release of Audio Hijack 4. Audio Hijack is my Swiss-Army Knife for audio on my Mac. Rarely do I run into a recording problem that I can’t solve with Audio Hijack. For example, when I record a Podcast, I make three recordings: 1) me alone; 2) the other person alone; 3) the two of us together. All three of those recordings are made with a single Audio Hijack workflow.

The new version keeps all of Audio Hijack’s features and adds a bunch of new features:

Powerful New Blocks

The “Mixer” block makes it easy to mix up to 5 sources, while the “Magic Boost” and “Simple Compressor” blocks provide potent audio adjustments with minimal configuration.

Improved Input and Output Blocks

To avoid inadvertently using sub-par built-in mics, the input block now requires you manually select a device, and it visually distinguishes built-in devices. As well, the Input and Output blocks also now include a “Track” option, to follow the default devices set system-wide.

Additional Block Improvements

All blocks now offer popovers, allowing them to be pinned for easy viewing and access when Audio Hijack is in the background. As well, block titles can now be edited, particularly helpful when using multiple blocks of the same type.

Manual Pipeline Editing

An oft-requested feature, it’s finally possible to edit the precise block layout of your sessions manually. We experimented with both modeless and moded manual connections, and have found this moded system to work best. Note that Undo is well supported, so fiddle without fear.


Speaking of oft-requested features, Audio Hijack now supports scripting via JavaScript. The eventual goal is to allow you to configure and automate everything you’d want. For 4.0.0, we plan to have a solid skeleton, one which we’ll flesh out further in subsequent updates. Try it out in the “Scripting” tab of your sessions, as well as via the Shortcuts app on macOS 12 (Monterey), and let us know how it works for you.

Background Sessions

Audio Hijack sessions can now run without their window being open. Handy!

Menu Bar Control

In conjunction with background sessions, the new Audio Hijack status item provides global control from the menu bar. This global window can also be pinned, for instant access from within any application.

Always-On Sessions

With the new “Auto Run” control, you can configure sessions to run whenever Audio Hijack is launched, or even whenever your Mac launches. Have sessions running at all times, automatically.

Interface Refresh

Nearly all of the artwork within Audio Hijack has been updated and improved, and a brand new Light mode has been added. Sessions are now more robust, with Recordings and Timers contained within each session itself.

I’ve been using the updated version for the last several episodes of my podcasts and it is working without fail. If you are looking for some powerful audio tools on your Mac, look no further.

Audio Hijack 3? Yes Please.

I just bought my license for the new Audio Hijack 3 from Rogue Amoeba. Wow.

Audio Hijack has always been a stellar app. (For lesser needs, I also really like Rogue Amoeba’s Piezo.) What is really impressive about this version is the way they had the guts to scrap the old, perfectly functional user interface and build an entirely new one. What is even more impressive is that the new user interface is so much better than the old. So often, drastic user interface changes result in something clever but unusable. That’s not the case here.

Audio Hijack lets you manipulate audio on your Mac with the same aplomb a magician can pull a pigeon out of his pants. Would you like to combine your microphone with an iTunes track into 16-bit AIFF with an onscreen equalizer and a VU meter? No problem. This app isn’t for everyone but if you’ve ever wanted to really work/record/manipulate audio on your Mac, look no further.